Art and Design: Art Students' Glossary
Words are used to talk about art that are not always understandable. Learning the meaning of these words makes it possible to speak more clearly about a piece of art and explain its significance.
Art and Design: Art Students' Glossary
An Interactive Version Of the Several Constructions Of the Capital Roman
Humberto Bortolossi and the Math Departament Of the Fluminense Federal University, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil have a non-profit educational project that aims to create interactive versions of the several constructions of the Capital Roman proposed by several scholars including David Lance Goines In his Book "A Constructed Roman Alphabet"
Graphic Artists
- Patricia Curtan
- "Patricia Curtan is an artist and designer
living in Berkeley, California. She works in the
medium of linoleum block printing, making images
primarily of plants, particularly edible plants."
Graphic Arts Institutions
- Achenbach Foundation For The Graphic Arts: The Palace Of
The Legion Of Honor, fine arts museums of San Francisco,
- "The Achenbach Foundation For Graphic Arts (AFGA)
is the most comprehensive collection of works of
art on paper in the western United States."
The Bancroft Library, University Of California, Berkeley.
- Cooper-hewitt Museum
- "One hundred years ago in 1897, Sarah and Eleanor
Hewitt established the first design museum in the
United States as part of the Cooper Union for the
Advancement of Science And Art, the free school
founded by their grandfather, Peter Cooper. that
museum became Cooper-hewitt, National Design Museum
in 1967 when the collections were transferred to
the Smithsonian Institution..."
- Hiroshima Museum of Modern Art, Hiroshima, Japan
- " The Hiroshima Museum of Modern Art was opened
in May 1989... located in a park on the slopes
of Hijiyama overlooking Hiroshima, surrounded by
abundant green in famous spot for viewing cherry
tree blossoms,... the first Public Museum Of Modern
Art In Japan."
- Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- "The library of Congress occupies a unique place
in american civilization. established as a legislative
library in 1800, it grew into a national institution
in the nineteenth century. since World War II,
it has become an international resource of unparalleled
- Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
- One of the...exhibits, [was] "... an exhibition
devoted to the extraordinary art collection formed
by Dr. Paul-ferdinand Gachet (1828-1909), the physician
who cared for vincent van gogh in the months prior
to his suicide in 1890, and who was immortalized
in several renowned portraits by the artist."
- Musée de la Publicité, Palais du Louvre, Paris
- "the Musée de la Publicité (Museum of Advertising) came into being at the instigation of Geneviève Gaëtan
picon in February 1978. It was then situated at
18 Rue de Paradis in the 10th Arrondissement of
- Museum of Modern Art, New York
- "With more than 2,700 pages of content, the Museum
of Modern Art's award-winning web site connects
a growing number of people from around the world
to the rich variety of works of art...available
at the museum,..."
- National Museum Of American Art, Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC.
- "The Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) is America's first federal art collection, dedicated to the enjoyment and understanding of american art. The museum celebrates the extraordinary creativity of our country's artists, whose works are windows on the american experience"
- Oakland Museum, Oakland, California
- "The Oakland Museum of California provides unique
collections, exhibitions and educational opportunities
designed to generate a broader and deeper understanding
of and interest in california's environment, history,
art and people."
- Pacific Film Archive
- "The Pacific Film Archive (PFA) is an internationally
recognized center for the exhibition and study
of cinema."
- Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- "The Philadelphia Museum of Art...seeks to preserve,
enhance, interpret, and extend the reach of its
great collections in particular, and the visual
arts in general... as a source of delight, illumination,
and lifelong learning."
- Rochester Institute of Technology, Welber B. Cary, Jr., Graphic Arts Collection, New York
- "The Cary Collection is one of the country's
premier libraries on the history and practice of
printing.the original collection of 2,300 volumes
was assembled by the new york city businessman
Melbert B. Cary, Jr. during the 1920s and 1930s."
- Society of Illustrators Museum Of American Illustration
- "On February 1, 1901, a group of nine artists
and one advising businessman founded the society
with this credo: 'the object of the society shall
be to promote generally the art of illustration
and to hold exhibitions from time to time'."
- Communication Arts
- "Communication Arts is an extensive online resource
for graphic designers, art directors, photographers,
illustrators and multimedia designers that will
enhance their careers and help to foster community
to visual communicators around the world."
- Graphis Magazine
- "Graphis, The International Journal of Visual
Communication, was first published by Graphis Press
In Zurich, Switzerland in 1944 and has upheld its
reputation as the premier magazine covering design
and graphic communication worldwide."
- How Magazine
- "How magazine is the business and creative resource
for graphic designers. For more than 10 years,
we've inspired designers - and helped make their
businesses more profitable. When you read how,
you're plugged into the latest business, technological
and creative information that impacts you as a
design professional."
- The Chez Panisse Home Page
- "For over twenty-five years, chez panisse has been helping redefine the american diet by exemplifying a menu cooked according to a simple principle: ´fresh, local, seasonal´. "
Music Resources
- Singing Loom
- Nestled in the beautiful illinois valley
of southwestern oregon is the singing loom studio,
workshop of artist, libby goines.
It is here that she creates her weavings, practices
her butterflymusic, and networks in her community
- lincoln Goines
- Electric bassist, acoustic bassist, composer and author. a native of Oakland, California, Lincoln has lived in new york city since 1977
World Wide Web Links Where David Lance Goines Posters can be seen
Bfi National Archive: Posters Collection, London -
- BFI national archive has acquired some of David Lance Goines' film posters for Pacific Film Archive. we keep our posters collection in a special climate-controlled store outside london. It contains around 15,000 film posters from all over the world, dating from the early 1900s to the present day and includes newsreel posters, cinema events and some television posters.
- Berkeley Horticultural Nursery
- "Over the past decade, we have commissioned local graphic artist David Lance Goines, to render posters for berkeley horticultural nursery. the line that distinguishes art from advertisement can be unclear.."
- Berkeley Historical Society
- " Welcome to the web page for the Berkeley Historical
Society. we are a non-profit group serving as a primary
resource for the collection and preservation of local
- FSM-A The Free Speech Movement Archives Home Page
- Founded and organized by veteran members of the FSM, this site contains probably the most extensive historical coverage of the one of the vital events of the Sixties.
- Rene Wanner's Poster Page
- "All About Posters"