Edition of 1542 of which 125 copies are signed, 1-125 26 copies are signed A-Z as artist's proofs, three sets are signed as progressives and 25 are signed as dedication copies.

June 7, 2005

17-3/8" x 24" 10 colors Paper: Mohawk Superfine 80# Cover

Model: Olivia "Via" Isabel Angeles San Mateo

Client: Alta Bates Summit Medical Center

1-125: Saint Hieronymus Press, Inc.
A-Z: Artist's own use
Dedication copies: Jill Keith Gruen; Lisa Goines; Carolyn Kemp; Stephen A. Lundin; Via San Mateo & Family;
Progressives: One set to Via San Mateo, one set to Alta Bates Summit Medical Center, one set to Saint Hieronymus Press

" The image should be comforting," my sister said. She should know. She's helped more people into this world, and into the next, than you could shake a stick at. Hers is the first face you see in this life, and the last. She's a nurse, a front-line soldier in the forever-losing war on injury, disease and death. Here's a big bouquet of red roses, thorns and all, for you dear sister, and for all the nurses in the world.